"The World is a Button" is a new concept album by Spices Peculiar's Dante Villagomez. While it is music for kids, it still maintains the distinctive Spices Peculiar sound that fans have come to know and love. The album is a solo effort by Villagomez, showcasing his immense versatility as a musician and producer.
Featuring an array of percussion layers, synths, guitar, and looping effects, the tracks on "The World is a Button" are both playful and mesmerizing. The album heavily features the Steel Tongue Drum, a unique instrument that produces a soothing and melodic sound, perfect for young ears.
"The World is a Button" is a heartwarming and enchanting album that will capture the imaginations of both children and adults. With its unique blend of percussion, synths, and looping effects, it is a testament to the limitless potential of music and the power of imagination.
Album release 8/28/23